lundi 22 février 2010

Mega, Giga

In one GigaByte, or GB, there are 1,000 Mega Bites, or MBs.

More acurately, a computer can only count by 2's (base 2).
A person counts by tens. One, ten, one hundred, one thousand etc.

A computer counts by twos. One, two, four, eight, 16,32,64,128,256,512, 1024.
1024 is so close to 1000 that most people refere to 1K as 1000 when actually it is 1024. there are 1024Mbytes in 1 Gbyte. 1G =1024M, 1M=1024K, 1Kbyte=1024bytes.

There are 1000*1000*1000bytes in 1Gbyte(1,000,000,000bytes in 1gigabyte), or more acuratly (1024*1024*1024) or 1,073,741,824bytes in a gigabyte.

There are 1024MBytes in 1GB

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