mardi 13 juillet 2010

شاهنامه صوتی

* راهنمای دانلود :برای دانلود فایلها و ذخیرۀ آن می توانید بر روی فایل رایت کلیک کنید و گزینۀ save target as را انتخاب کنید.
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4- ضحاک قسمت اول، دوم
5- فریدون قسمت اول، دوم، سوم، چهارم
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7- پادشاهی نوذر قسمت اول، دوم، سوم
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9- کیقباد
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12- سهراب قسمت اول، دوم، سوم، چهارم
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21- جنگ بزرگ کیخسرو با افراسیاب قسمت اول، دوم، سوم، چهارم، پنجم، ششم، هفتم، هشتم، نهم، دهم، یازدهم، دوازدهم، سیزدهم، چهاردهم، پانزدهم
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25-داستان رستم و اسفندیار قسمت اول، دوم، سوم، چهارم، پنجم، ششم، هفتم
26- داستان رستم و شغاد قسمت اول، دوم
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31- پادشاهی اسکندر قسمت اول، دوم، سوم، چهارم، پنجم، ششم، هفتم، هشتم
32- پادشاهی اشکانیان قسمت اول، دوم، سوم، چهارم
33- پادشاهی اردشیر قسمت اول، دوم، سوم
34- پادشاهی شاپور پسر اردشیر سی و یک سال بود35- پادشاهی اورمزد، پادشاهی بهرام اورمزد، پادشاهی بهرام نوزده سال بود، پادشاهی بهرام بهرامیان،پادشاهی نرسی بهرام، پادشاهی اورمزد نرسی 36- پادشاهی شاپور ذوالاکتاف قسمت اول، دوم، سوم
37- پادشاهی اردشیر نکوکار، پادشاهی شاپور سوم، پادشاهی بهرام شاپور
38- پادشاهی یزدگرد بزه‌گر قسمت اول، دوم، سوم
39- پادشاهی بهرام گور قسمت اول، دوم، سوم، چهارم، پنجم، ششم، هفتم، هشتم، نهم، دهم، یازدهم
40- پادشاهی یزدگرد هجده سال بود. قسمت اول، دوم41
- پادشاهی قباد چهل و سه سال بود. قسمت اول، دوم
42- پادشاهی کسری نوشین روان چهل و هشت سال بود. قسمت اول، دوم، سوم، چهارم، پنجم، ششم، هفتم، هشتم، نهم، دهم، یازدهم، دوازدهم، سیزدهم، چهاردهم، پانزدهم، شانزدهم، هفدهم، هجدهم، نوزدهم
43- پادشاهی هرمزد دوازده سال بود. قسمت اول، دوم، سوم، چهارم، پنجم، ششم، هفتم، هشتم
44- پادشاهی خسرو پرویز قسمت اول، دوم، سوم، چهارم، پنجم، ششم، هفتم، هشتم، نهم، دهم، یازدهم، دوازدهم، سیزدهم، چهاردهم، پانزدهم، شانزدهم، هفدهم45
- پادشاهی شیرویه قسمت اول، دوم، سوم46
47- پادشاهی یزدگرد قسمت اول، دوم، سوم، چهارم

dimanche 28 février 2010

Mega octet

Mega octet
Définition (Abréviation : Mo1 Mo = 1024 Ko donc 2 exp 20 octets soit 1048576 octets.
A voir aussi


Octet (computing)
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This article needs additional citations for verification.Please help improve this article by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (September 2008)
Not to be confused with octal.
In computing, an octet is a grouping of eight bits.
Octet refers to an entity having exactly eight bits. As such, it is often used where the term byte might be ambiguous. For that reason, computer networking standards almost exclusively use octet. It is prominently used in Requests for Comments (RFCs) published by the Internet Engineering Task Force. The earliest example is RFC 635 from 1974. In France, French Canada and Romania, the word octet is commonly used instead of byte (in the 8-bit sense); a megabyte (MB) is called a megaoctet (Mo).
Early in its history, in the age of computer science preceding tabletop and desktop microcomputers (the earliest of which almost all used 8-bit data words,) the word byte was not standardized to 8 bits and could indicate a unit of different sizes (all relatively small) in different contexts and for different machines. Hence, while to most people today, byte and octet are synonyms, those working with certain legacy systems need to be careful to avoid ambiguity.
Although octets are a series of eight binary digits, they are often formulated or displayed as hexadecimal, decimal, or octal values. The binary value of all 8 bits set (or turned on) is 11111111; equal to the hexadecimal value of FF, the decimal value of 255, and the octal value of 377.
Octets are used in Internet Protocol (IPv4) computer network addresses. These consist of a series of four octets, usually shown in decimal and separated by dots. Using octets with all eight bits set, the largest representation of a network address (although an invalid address) would be
1 Normalization
2 Origin
3 Misuse of the term
4 References
[edit] Normalization
Octets can be used with SI prefixes or the power of 2 prefixes as standardized by the International Electrotechnical Commission in 1998.
kibi for « kilo binary » ;
mebi for « mega binary » ;
gibi for « giga binary » ;
tebi for « tera binary » ;
1 kibioctet (Kio)
= 210 octets
= 1,024 octets
1 mebioctet (Mio)
= 220 octets
= 1,024 Kio
= 1,048,576 octets
1 gibioctet (Gio)= 230 octets= 1,024 Mio= 1,073,741,824 octets
1 tebioctet (Tio)= 240 octets= 1,024 Gio= 1,099,511,627,776 octets
1 pebioctet (Pio)= 250 octets= 1,024 Tio= 1,125,899,906,842,624 octets
1 exbioctet (Eio)= 260 octets= 1,024 Pio= 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 octets
1 zebioctet (Zio)= 270 octets= 1,024 Eio= 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 octets
1 yobioctet (Yio)= 280 octets= 1,024 Zio= 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 octets

The SI prefixes kilo, mega, giga, tera, etc., stay the same as for all the SI units, based on power of 10. In this case:
1 kilooctet (ko)= 103 octets= 1,000 octets
1 megaoctet (Mo)= 106 octets= 1,000 ko= 1,000,000 octets
1 gigaoctet (Go)= 109 octets= 1,000 Mo= 1,000,000,000 octets
1 teraoctet (To)= 1012 octets= 1,000 Go= 1,000,000,000,000 octets
1 petaoctet (Po)= 1015 octets= 1,000 To= 1,000,000,000,000,000 octets
[edit] Origin
The word octet (meaning "group of eight") comes from the Latin and Greek numerical prefix octo, meaning eight.
[edit] Misuse of the term
In documentation of file systems for Unix-like operating systems[1], a confused term, "permission octet",[2] was sometimes used instead of the correct permission triplet for the group of 3 bits used as permission bits (read, write, execute). The fact that 3 bits can represent 8 different values and that octal notation is often used may perhaps explain this misunderstanding. The term octal digit should be used instead.
[edit] References
^ Dhanjani, Nitesh (2003). Linux and UNIX Security Portable Reference. Hack Notes. McGraw-Hill Professional. pp. 146. ISBN 0072227869.,M1. Retrieved 2009-01-28.
^ "System Administration Guide: Security Services". Sun Microsystems, Inc.. 2008. Retrieved 2009-01-28.
vdeUnits of information
Base units
Bit · Byte
Related units
Nibble · Word · Octet
Traditional units
Kilobyte · Megabyte · Gigabyte · Terabyte · Petabyte · Exabyte · Zettabyte · Yottabyte
IEC standard units
Kibibyte · Mebibyte · Gibibyte · Tebibyte · Pebibyte · Exbibyte · Zebibyte · Yobibyte
Bit-based units
Kilobit · Megabit · Gigabit · Terabit · Petabit · Exabit · Zettabit · Yottabit
Retrieved from ""
Categories: Computing terminology

lundi 22 février 2010

Mega, Giga

In one GigaByte, or GB, there are 1,000 Mega Bites, or MBs.

More acurately, a computer can only count by 2's (base 2).
A person counts by tens. One, ten, one hundred, one thousand etc.

A computer counts by twos. One, two, four, eight, 16,32,64,128,256,512, 1024.
1024 is so close to 1000 that most people refere to 1K as 1000 when actually it is 1024. there are 1024Mbytes in 1 Gbyte. 1G =1024M, 1M=1024K, 1Kbyte=1024bytes.

There are 1000*1000*1000bytes in 1Gbyte(1,000,000,000bytes in 1gigabyte), or more acuratly (1024*1024*1024) or 1,073,741,824bytes in a gigabyte.

There are 1024MBytes in 1GB

vendredi 13 novembre 2009

mardi 11 décembre 2007

Learning English - Words in the News29 June, 2007 - Published 11:03 GMTIran petrol rationingIranians reacted angrily to the government's decision to introduce petrol rationing at a time when they're already struggling with high unemployment, spiralling inflation and low public sector pay. This report from Pam O'Toole:Listen to the storyIn his two years in office, President Ahmadinejad says he's created millions of jobs, increased foreign investment and achieved good economic growth. But a growing number of critics have accused him of using oil wealth to introduce populist economic policies which have served to drive up inflation. Officially, inflation is running at 13 per cent, but economists say in reality it's much higher. Ordinary people complain that rents have doubled, or that they can no longer afford to buy meat.For some Iranians, the rationing of highly subsidised petrol is clearly a step too far. Iranians have always regarded cheap petrol as a kind of national birthright - particularly given the country's poor public transport system. Over recent years, a number of Iranian administrations have toyed with the idea of raising the price of subsidised petrol, or rationing supply.The current government says rationing is essential to curb rising consumption and help reduce reliance on expensive petrol imports. But Tehran's also thought to be concerned that those petrol imports could be targeted in future sanctions imposed on it because of its controversial nuclear programme. While many Iranians support the nuclear programme, some economists fear that petrol rationing could stoke further inflation - and that's something ordinary people are anxious to avoid.Pam O'Toole , BBCListen to the wordspopulistappealing to a lot of people but not necessarily good in the long termto drive uphere, to increaserationinga system of limiting the amount of something that each person is allowed to havehighly subsidisedreceiving a lot of money from the state in order to keep the prices lowa step too fartoo muchbirthrightsomething you believe you deserve to have (in this case, because you were born in Iran)toyed withconsidered but not very seriously and without making a decisionto curbto reducecontroversialcausing strong disagreement or discussionstokebe the reason for (something negative)Read more about this story
New way to produce biofuel

Learning English - Words in the News12 September, 2007 - Published 12:36 GMTNew way to produce biofuelsScientists in Brazil say they have found a novel way of improving the production of biofuels. The researchers say that fermenting sugar cane in the presence of magnets boosted production by 17% and made the process faster. This report from Matt McGrath:Listen to the storyMany countries around the world are trying to reduce their dependence on oil by emulating Brazil where bio ethanol provides about 30% of automobile fuel. But the process of making bio ethanol by fermenting sugar cane is time-consuming, inefficient and expensive.Now a team of researchers at Brazil's State University of Campinas say they have found a way of improving the production process by using extremely low frequency magnetic waves. The team attached two electromagnetic generators to a vat containing a mixture of yeast and sugar cane. They found that the production of ethanol increased by 17% and it speeded up the time required to produce the fuel by two hours.The scientists involved are unsure as to how exactly the process works but they believe that the magnets stimulate the yeast and make it work faster and more intensely. They believe their discovery can be easily implemented at an industrial scale.Matt McGrath, BBCListen to the wordsemulatingbeing like or copying what someone or something (here, Brazil) has done wellbio ethanola chemical which is a type of alcohol, mainly produced by the sugar fermentation process, although it can also be manufactured by the chemical process of reacting ethylene with steamfermentingmaking something change chemically by the action of living substances, such as yeast or bacterialow frequency magnetic wavesthe disturbances which carry the energy produced using the power of magnets ('low frequency' refers to the fact that there is a relatively small number of these disturbances within a particular period)electromagneticrefers to a device made of iron, with wire around it, that becomes magnetic when a changing current is passed through ita vata large container used for mixing or storing liquidsyeasttype of fungus which is used, for example, to make bread swell and become lightspeeded up the time requiredless time was needed because the process happened fasterunsurenot certainimplementedput into operation, made to happenRead more about this storyTry a comprehension quiz based on this story